What is the Gateway Drug to Data Visualization?

What is the "gateway drug” to data visualization? Best-selling data viz author Steve Wexler posed this question on LinkedIn.

My answer was: a good question. To me, curiosity and wonder kindle the desire to create visualizations that tell a story. Wonder begets wisdom.

Here are some of my favorite answers to Steve’s question:

  • Excel, because it’s so ubiquitous and most business people will receive some exposure to data charts from it. (Brent Dykes)

  • Fantasy football (Zach)

  • Jeffrey Heer's quick talk ”The Future of Data Visualization" (Jon Snyder)

  • Tableau, because it makes it so easy to explore data, learn about proper data structure, start with excel files and blend it with data from SQL databases... (John Masche)

Steve will cover this question and 100 others in his upcoming course, What Every Businessperson Needs to Know About Data Visualization

#dataviz #datavisualization #bi #hr #hranalytics #dashboard

Comments? Check out this post on LinkedIn.


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