Quietly Quitting? How About a Savvy Switch Instead?

Quietly quitting? How about a savvy switch instead? There's no question: there are a lot of bad places to work. But there are great ones too--how do you find one? The new LinkedIn List of Top Startups of 2022 to work provides a glimpse into what great looks like.

A rule of thumb about changing jobs is: "Are you running FROM something you hate or running TO something you love?" If you're running TO something you love, that's a Savvy Switch.

Think Three P's: People, Purpose, and Passion.

  1. Are the People you're switching to work with great? Do they have a pattern of success? Are they smart? Are they humble, kind, and competitive?

  2. Purpose means: does the mission matter?

  3. Are you passionate about the "work?"

What I like most about LinkedIn's methodology is that it wasn't a beauty pageant. They used four metrics that are fantastic proxies for People, Passion, and Purpose:

  1. Job Growth in the preceding 12 months by percentage,

  2. Engagement - measured by non-employee views and follows of the company's LinkedIn page,

  3. Job Interest - measured by the rate of people viewing and applying for jobs,

  4. Attraction of Top Talent - measured by how many employees the company recruits away from other LinkedIn Top Companies.

These four measures mean that people are interested and attracted to the company's mission, become passionate enough to leave a good job to join it, and, finally, that there are good people there because good people attract other good people.

And: CONGRATULATIONS, Correlation One! I'm proud to be a board advisor for C1, which rocked it at NUMBER SIX on the LinkedIn list, which includes companies like Discord, Gong, and ClickUp. C1 is a great example of the 3 P's. Watch the video below to learn why!

So don't quit quietly -- do a savvy switch instead. Don't run away or mail it in. Instead, run to a company that's great. The 3 P's and data from the LinkedIn 2022 List are a great place to start.


Correlation One Introduction Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGcbLoiw05M

Correlation One on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/correlation-one

Simon Sinek TED Talk:


LinkedIn Top Companies List: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/linkedin-top-startups-2022-50-us-companies-rise-linkedin-news

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